1. The book ‘Genera Plantarum’ was written by–
(A) Linnaeus
(B) Bentham and Hooker
(C) Engler and Pringle
(D) Hutchinson
Ans. (A)
2. Where is the Botanical Survey of India Headquartered?
(A) Lucknow (B) Darjeeling
(C) Kolkata (D) Oottaccamund
Ans. (C)
3. Plants differ from animals in having-
(A) Locomotion
(B) Metabolism
(C) Localised growth
(D) Catabolism
Ans. (C)
4. The age of trees is determined by their:
(A) Birth
(B) Height
(C) Growth rings
(D) General appearance
Ans. (C)
5. Which thing Present in a Plant Cell
(A) Chloroplasts
(B) Cell wall
(C) Cell membrane
(D) Nucleus
Ans. (A)
6. What is a sponge?
(A) A fossil (B) A plant
(C) An animal (D) A fungus
Ans. (C)
7. Flowerless plants are termed as:
(A) Phanerogams (B) Bryophytes
(C) Thallophytes (D) Cryptogams
Ans. (D)
8. Bryophytes are often cal(led as amphibian plants because they-
(A) Appear like a frog
(B) Are found both in water and on land
(C) Do not have habitat preference
(D) Can eat insects
Ans. (B)
9. Taxonomy is a science that deals with
(C) Classification
(D) Economic uses
10. Stamens are fused with each other by their anthers and also with petals in:
(A) Leguminosae (B) Liliaceae
(C) Compositae (D) Euphorbiaceae
Ans. (D)
11. Pulses are obtained from the family.
(A) Liiacese (B) Leguminosae
(C) Cycadaceae (D) Fungi
Ans. (B)
12. __________ word is common in the botanical names of trees like Tamarind, Ashok, or coral?
(A) Terminalia
(B) Salix
(C) Indica
(D) Acacia
Ans. (C)
13. What do you call the study of fungi?
(A) Mycology (B) Parasitology
(C) Bacteriology (D) Ecology
Ans. (A)
14. ‘Agronomy’ is the practice of raising___________.
(A) Plants and Animals
(B) Crop plants
(C) Agriculture
(D) Fruit plants only
Ans. (B)
15. What is a Pepper plant?
(A) Bush (B) Shrub
(C) Vine (D) Tree
Ans. (C)
16. Ferns belong to which division of plants?
(A) Gymnosperms (B) Angiosperms
(C) Thallophyta (D) Pteridophyta
Ans. (D)
17. Which of the following is not true about Pteridophyte?
(A) Dominant phase is saprophytes
(B) Main plant body is diploid
(C) Seeds are present
(D) Flowers are absent
Ans. (C)
18. Which of the following is not true about Bryophyta?
(A) Dominant phase is gametophytes
(B) Main plant body is haploid
(C) Spores are homospory’s
(D) Flowers are present
Ans. (D)
19. For the aquatic organisms, the source of food is
(A) Phytoplankton (B) Sea Weed
(C) Aqua plankton (D) Zooplankton
Ans. (A)
20. Who among the following is known as the ‘Father of Biology’?
(A) Darwin (B) Aristotle
(C) Heckle (D) Edward Jenner
Ans. (B)
21. Bamboo is a type of _____.
(A) Herb (B) Tree
(C) Shrub (D) Grass
Ans. (D)
22. Who proposed the five-kingdom classification?
(A) Ernst Mayr
(B) R. H. Whittaker
(C) M. W. Beijerinck
(D) D. I. Ivanovsky
Ans. (B)
23. Potato, tomato, and brinjal are three different species but all belong to which genus?
(A) Solanum
(B) Panthera
(C) Felis
(D) Tigris
Ans. (A)
24. In the names Mangifera indica (mango), Solanum tuberosum (potato), and Panthera leo (lion), what do the three names, Indica, tuberose, and Leo, represent?
(A) Binomial Nomenclature
(B) Taxonomic Hierarchy
(C) Identification
(D) Specific Epithet
Ans. (A)
25. _______ are chlorophyll-bearing, simple, thalloid, autotrophic, and largely aquatic (both freshwater
and marine) organisms.
(A) Pteridophytes
(B) Bryophytes
(C) Algae
(D) Gymnosperms
Ans. (C)
26. In the names Mangifera indica (mango), Solanum tuberosum (potato), and Panthera leo (lion), the terms Mangifera, So Lanum, and Panthera represent the higher level of?
(A) Taxon
(B) Taxonomic Hierarchy
(C) Specific Epithet
(D) Binomial Nomenclature
Ans. (A)
27. Which of the following is not among the 3 main classes of Algae?
(A) Chloro phyceae (B) Rhodop hyceae
(C) Phaeo phyceae (D) Gymno sperms
Ans. (D)
28. The members of Rhodophyceae are commonly called _________ algae.
(A) Green (B) Brown
(C) Red (D) Yellow
Ans. (C)
29. The members of Phaeophyceae are commonly called _________ algae.
(A) Green (B) Brown
(C) Red (D) Yellow
Ans. (B)
30. Among plants, three different genera Solanum, Petunia, and Datura are placed in which family?
(A) Cancidae (B) Solanaceae
(C) Felis (D) Felidae
Ans. (B)
31. The members of Chlorophyceae are commonly called _________ algae.
(A) Green (B) Brown
(C) Red (D) Yellow
Ans. (A)
33. The predominant stage of the life cycle of a moss is the gametophyte which consists of two stages. The second stage is the ___________ stage.
(A) Agar
(C) Chlorella
Ans. (B)
34. Bryophytes are also called ____________ of the plant kingdom.
(A) Mammals
(B) Amphibians
(C) Reptiles
(D) Insecta
Ans. (B)